什么是雪耳?(What is Snow Fungus?)


Snow Fungus (银耳), also known as Tremella, Snow Ear, White Jelly mushroom or Yin Er is a very popular ingredient in Chinese cuisine.

雪耳富含蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪,是一种用途极为广泛的食材。雪耳还含有18 种氨基酸以及粗纤维、天然盐和维生素,是一种非常健康的药草。 

So, here are 5 easy ways to use Snow Fungus in your next culinary creation... 

雪耳有哪些潜在益处?(What are some potential benefits of Snow Fungus?)

银耳是所有食物中天然维生素 D 含量最高的草药,在烹饪中使用银耳可能有助于  

With this herb containing the highest level of natural whole food form of Vitamin D among food sources, using Snow Fungus in cooking may potentially assist with:

  • 美化肌肤 (Beautify the skin)
  • 降低血糖/胆固醇 (Lowering blood glucose/cholesterol )
  • 防辐射 (Protect against radiation)
  • 提高身体的抗氧化水平 (Boost the body's antioxidant levels)
  • 治疗哮喘、干咳、肺热 (Treatment of asthma, dry cough and heat in the lungs)
  • 滋补肺、胃、肾 (Nourish the lung, stomach, kidney)
  • 强化骨骼 (Strengthen bones)
  • 保持理想体重 (Maintain ideal weight )


In addition, Snow Fungus is suitable for vegans and is gluten-free.  

我如何在日常烹饪中使用这些?(How Can I Use These In Everyday Cooking?)

正如承诺的那样,这里有5 种在日常菜肴中使用雪耳的简便方法,适合初学者和高级厨师......  

As promised, here are 5 easy ways to use Snow Fungus in everyday dishes, for beginner and advanced cooks...

1)木瓜雪耳杏仁奶甜点 (Papaya & Snow Fungus Almond Milk Dessert)

这是 2022 年夏季的完美甜点选择,结合几种美味的食材,创造出这道清爽的菜肴…… 

A perfect dessert option for summer 2022, combining a couple of tasty ingredients creates this refreshing dish... 

你需要什么 (What You'll Need)

  • 干雪耳1/2 颗 (1/2 of a dried snow fungus)
  • 1 个干木瓜 (1 dried papaya)
  • 1.2茶匙杏仁籽 (1.2 tsp of almond seeds)
  • 2片姜 (2 slices of ginger)
  • 1 汤匙 蜂蜜 (1 tbsp honey)
  • 5杯水 (5 cups of water )
  • 2 杯杏仁奶 (2 cups of almond milk)

方法 (Method)

  1. 将五杯水放入锅中煮沸。 (Boil the 5 cups of water in a pot )
  2. 木瓜和雪耳洗净后切成小块 (Rinse and cut the papaya and snow fungus into small chunks)
  3. 水煮沸后,将牛奶和蜂蜜以外的所有材料放入锅中,继续大火煮约 30 分钟 (Once the water has boiled, add all the ingredients in a pot except for the milk and honey - continue on a high heat for around 30 minutes)
  4. 关掉火,然后加入少许蜂蜜以增加甜味。待其冷却。(Turn off the heat, then add a touch of honey for sweetness. Allow to cool)
  5. 冷却后放入冰箱,然后在准备食用时添加 2 杯杏仁奶混合。(Refrigerate once cooled, then when ready to serve add the 2 cups of almond milk to mix)
  6. 上菜並享受吧! (Serve and enjoy!)


2)简易雪耳黄瓜沙拉 (Simple Snow Fungus & Cucumber Salad)


Another perfect dish to welcome in those summer vibes, here's how to combine nature's finest into a light lunch option...

你需要什么  (What You'll Need)

  • 干雪耳5克 (5g of dried snow fungus)
  • 1/4 根黄瓜 (1/4 of a cucumber)
  • 适量盐 (Salt to taste)
  • 2 汤匙 酱油 (2 tbsp soy sauce)
  • 2 汤匙 米醋 (2 tbsp rice vinegar)
  • 2 茶匙 辣椒片 (2 tsp chilli flakes)
  • 1 汤匙 芝麻油 (1 tbsp sesame oil)
  • 1 汤匙 烤芝麻 (1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds)

方法 (Method)

  1. 将干雪耳浸泡在冷水或温水中约 20 分钟,使其变软 (Soak the dried snow fungus in cold or warm water for around 20 minutes to allow it to soften)
  2. 将黄瓜切成薄片放入碗中,然后加盐搅拌均匀 (Thinly slice the cucumber into a bowl, then add salt and mix together)
  3. 把雪耳沥干,然后撕成小块 (Drain the snow fungus, then tear into small pieces)
  4. 将酱油、米醋、辣椒粉、芝麻油和烤芝麻放入搅拌碗中混合 (Combine the soy sauce, rice vinegar, chilli flakes, sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds in a mixing bowl)
  5. 将沥干的雪耳和黄瓜片加入调料中,搅拌均匀 (Add the drained snow fungus and sliced cucumber to the dressing, then mix)
  6. 倒入碗中,然后上桌享用吧!(Transfer to a bowl, then serve and enjoy!)

3)雪耳莓子甜点 (Sweet Snow Fungus & Berry Dessert )


Featuring a collection of tasty Eastern herbs, this is a delicacy across China and other Asian countries... 

你需要什么 (What You'll Need)

  • 干雪耳9克 (9g dried snow fungus)
  • 5克 龙眼干 (5g dried longan fruit)
  • 2 颗 干红枣 (2 dried big jujube dates)
  • 4克 干枸杞 (4g dried goji berries)
  • 银杏果 5 颗 (5 pieces of ginkgo nuts)
  • 350 升水 (350l water)
  • 冰糖/蜂蜜 20克  (20g rock sugar/honey)

方法 (Method)

  1. 大枣和龙眼洗净,去渣  (Rinse the big jujube dates and longan fruit to remove residue)
  2. 去掉龙眼壳,并将壳扔掉 (De-shell the longans and dispose of the shells)
  3. 将干雪耳浸泡在温水中直至变软 (Soak the dried snow fungus in warm water until is it soft)
  4. 把雪耳沥干,然后切成小块  (Drain the snow fungus and cut the herb into small pieces)
  5. 将木耳,大枣和去壳的龙眼放入大锅中,用小火煮约20分钟(盖上盖子)(Place the fungus, big jujube dates and de-shelled longans in a large put and boil on a low heat for around 20 minutes  (cover with lid) )
  6. 煮沸后,加入银杏,继续煮 10 分钟 (After this time, add the gingko nuts and continue to cook for a further 10 minutes)
  7. 加入冰糖/蜂蜜调味 (Add the rock sugar/honey to the mixture to taste)
  8. 然后加入枸杞,再煮 5 分钟 - 然后关火,静置 1 分钟 (Then, add the goji berries and cook for another 5 minutes - then turn off the heat and allow to stand for 1 minute)
  9. 上菜並享受吧! (Serve and enjoy!)

4)银耳凉茶 (Snow Fungus Herbal Tea)


Sometimes the best things in life are... incredibly simple!

你需要什么 (What You'll Need)

  • 干雪耳5克 (5g dried snow fungus)
  • 3克 干枸杞 (3g dried goji berries)
  • 1 柠檬 (1 lemon)
  • 1 片竹叶  (1 bamboo leaf)
  • 5杯水  (5 cups of water)

方法 (Method)

  1. 用大火将锅里的水煮沸 (Boil the water in a pan over a high heat)
  2. 将雪耳、枸杞和柠檬放入锅中煮5分钟 (Infuse the snow fungus, goji berries and lemon to boil for 5 minutes)
  3. 煮熟后从火上取下,然后倒入杯子里 (Remove from heat once cooked, then transfer to a mug)
  4. 在上面放上竹叶,增添美感 (Add the bamboo leaf on top for a nice touch)
  5. 上菜並享受吧! (Serve and enjoy!) 

5)雪耳香菇汤 (Snow Fungus & Shiitake Mushroom Soup)


Rounding off this creative culinary collection is a soup to test your taste buds with a few delicious ingredients...

你需要什么 (What You'll Need)

  • 干雪耳5克 (5g dried snow fungus)
  • 2杯鸡汤 (2 cups chicken stock)
  • 2 汤匙 米酒 (2 tbsp rice wine)
  • 1小块姜末 (1 small piece of grated ginger)
  • 香菇2朵(切片) 2 shiitake mushrooms (sliced)
  • 一把葱 (Handful of spring onions)
  • 2 汤匙 蚝油 (2 tbsp oyster sauce)
  • 1茶匙芝麻油 (1 tsp sesame oil)
  • 椒盐  (Salt & pepper)
  • 2 个打散的鸡蛋 (2 whisked eggs)

方法 (Method)

  1. 将雪耳浸泡在冷/温水中约20分钟,直至变软,然后沥干并撕成小块 (Soak the snow fungus in cold/warm water for around 20 minutes until softened, then drain and tear into small pieces)
  2. 将鸡汤、香菇、姜和蔬菜放入锅中,用中火煮沸  (Add the chicken stock, shiitake mushrooms. ginger and vegetables into a pan and boil over a medium heat )
  3. 煮开后加入蚝油、麻油、盐、胡椒粉拌匀 (Once boiled, add the oyser sauce, sesame oil, salt and pepper to mix)
  4. 当汤变稠时,加入打好的鸡蛋,继续轻轻搅拌 (When the soup thickens, add the whisked eggs in and continue to stir gently)
  5. 鸡蛋煮熟后,关火 (Once the egg is softly cooked, remove from heat )
  6. 用切碎的葱给汤调味 (Season the soup with chopped spring onions)
  7. 上菜並享受吧!(Serve and enjoy!)
