Dried Codonopsis Root (党参), also known as Dang Shen, is a highly prized herb from the East which is known for its versatility in many food and drink recipes.
Typically referred to as the 'poor man's Ginseng' as it is a more budget-friendly alternative, this is regarded as both a food and healing herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
这里有5 种 在日常生活中 使用党参的绝妙方法……
So, here are 5 brilliant ways to use Dried Codonopsis Root in your everyday routine...
什么是党参?(What is Dried Codonopsis Root)

Dried Codonopsis Root derives from a family of plants used in China and Korea to replenish vital energy or qi.
It is collected from the wild, with this method being thought to yield a more concentrated/powerful variant of the herb, when compared to those that are cultivated.
High quality Codonopsis roots possess a sweet flavour, whereas a poor quality root would have little to no taste which in-turn would be considered to be less value for medicinal purposes.
党参有哪些健康益处?(What are the health benefits of Dried Codonopsis Root)

这种草药通过经络 针对肺和脾的功能,起到为整个身体提供能量和振奋的作用。
Targeting the lung and spleen function through the meridians, this herb works to energise and uplift the entire body.
With high levels of saponins and triterpenes, this herb is utilised in a similar fashion to that of Ginseng in the Eastern world.
Starting to grow in popularity worldwide, some potential Western benefits of this herb include:
- 解决疲劳、食欲不振和贫血(Addressing fatigue, poor appetite and anaemia)
- 缓解腹泻、呕吐、胀气和胃酸过多(Aid diarrhoea, vomiting, flatulence and excessive stomach acid)
- 简化消化过程(Streamline digestion)
- 治疗头痛、慢性咳嗽和呼吸急促(Treat headaches, chronic cough and shortness of breath)
- 帮助补血(Help with blood building)
- 减轻慢性疲劳综合症(Reduce chronic fatigue syndrome)
- 富含增强免疫力的多糖(Rich in immune-enhancing polysaccharides)
- 增强免疫力(Strengthen immunity)
- 减缓癌细胞的生长(Slow the growth of cancer cells)
- 对抗放射治疗的不良影响(Combat the adverse effects of radiation therapy)
以下是我们介绍的党参根的 5 大用途,可将其引入您的日常生活中……
As promised, here are our top 5 uses of Dried Codonopsis Root to introduce into your daily routine...
1)生吃(Raw form)
With a pleasant taste when eaten raw, the simple and clean option to consume Codonopsis Root can be an effective short-term boost for your health and wellbeing.
A small portion of this herb is a perfect serving for daily consumption.
2) 凉茶(Herbal tea)
Infusing this with another root-based herb is a brilliant method of stepping your way to better health.
Using both Codonopsis and Astragalus Root (Huang Qi) can create a strong and sweet blend to share with friends and family.
3)冰镇饮料(Iced drink)
With the weather reaching scorching temperatures this summer, any opportunity for an iced drink sounds like heaven.
Mixing Codonopsis and Chrysanthemum Flowers creates a delightfully sweet soft beverage, perfect for the sunbathing in the garden.
A fundamental part of the traditional Chinese soup, pairing this with a handful of sweet herbal ingredients is a staple dish in Eastern culture.
Combine this with Dried Angelica Root, Big Jujube Dates, Goji Berries, American Ginseng, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome and Astragalus Root to create a Chinese treasure.
Upgrade your porridge game, or add a crunch to your nutty based bowl of goodness, this is a great quick fix to elevate your morning munch.
For a slightly softer approach, boil this in water to soften the root, allowing it to re-hydrate a little easier.