
Dried Honeysuckle Flower (金银花), also known as Jin Yin Hua, has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries with other herbs to create health-boosting remedies.


Possessing a rather simple complexion, this herb has a wide range of properties which make it a powerful health-boosting tonic for wellbeing goals. 


So, without further ado here's an overview of Dried Honeysuckle Flowers and how they could be a great addition to your everyday routine...

什么是金银花?(What is Dried Honeysuckle Flower)


Dried Honeysuckle is an orange-coloured, scented flower with a bell-shaped shrub. 

金银花遍布亚洲、俄罗斯和远东地区,拥有超过 200 个品种,均因其对健康的益处而受到珍视。   

This can be found across Asia, Russia and the Far East with over 200 species of honeysuckle all being prized for their potential to provide benefits for health. 


It's predominantly identifiable by its distinct aroma and sweet flavours.

在传统中医中,干金银花具有 甘寒的性质 ,主要归 肺、胃和心经。 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dried Honeysuckle Flowers possess sweet and cold properties which target the lung, stomach and heart meridians. 

这些化合物天然富含蛋白质、黄酮类化合物、糖、皂苷、绿原酸、抗氧化剂和维生素(A 和 C),使它成为一种用途广泛的草本植物,可用于多种用途。 

Naturally rich in proteins, flavonoids, sugars, saponins, chlorogenic acid, antioxidants and vitamins (A & C), these compounds create a versatile herb which can be used in a variety of ways. 

它有哪些潜在的健康益处?(What are the potential health benefits)


Being traditional used to treat a variety of ailments, consuming this herb may potentially assist with the following

  • 缓解恶心和头痛 (Relieving nausea and headaches)
  • 预防感染 (Protecting against infections)
  • 花粉症及相关过敏症 (Hayfever and associated allergies)
  • 预防感染和喉咙痛 (Prevent against infections and sore throat)
  • 精神和身体压力 (Mental and physical stress)
  • 皮疹、斑点、晒伤和轻微烧伤 (Rashes, blemishes, sunburn and minor burns)
  • 清除肝脏毒素 (Cleaning the liver of toxins)


In addition, Dried Honeysuckle Flowers are suitable for vegans and gluten-free.  

如何使用金银花?(How can I use Dried Honeysuckle Flowers)


From a delightful herbal tea to a delicious sweet treat syrup, here are some fantastic fast ways to use Dried Honeysuckle Flowers in your everyday routine...

金银花草茶(Honeysuckle Herbal Tea)


Elegant and light, this herbal tea is packed with flavour and is a great option for a warm summer's day. 


Here's how you create this sip of heaven... 

您需要准备的材料(2 份)What You'll Need (2 servings)

  • 10克干金银花  (10g dried honeysuckle flowers)
  • 4杯水 (4 cups of water)
  • 1茶匙蜂蜜 (1 tsp honey)

方法 (Method)

  1. 将 4 杯水煮沸,然后关火,等待约 2 分钟 (Bring 4 cups of water to a boil, then remove from heat and wait for around 2 minutes)
  2. 将干金银花放入锅中,然后让混合物冷却至室温,使其浸泡  (Add the dried honeysuckle flowers to the pot, then allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature, allowing it to steep)
  3. 加入一汤匙蜂蜜调味,然后轻轻搅拌 1 分钟 (Add the tablespoon of honey to sweeten, then mix gently for 1 minute)
  4. 将其倒入您最喜欢的杯子中并享用吧! (Serve into your favourite cup and enjoy)

金银花糖浆(Honeysuckle Sweet Syrup)


Drizzle over your morning pancakes or create a refreshing lemonade with a twist, here's how to make your own honeysuckle sweet syrup... 

您需要准备的材料(2 份)What You'll Need (2 servings)

  • 10克干金银花  (10g dried honeysuckle flowers)
  • 2杯水 (2 cups of water)
  • 1杯糖 (1 cup sugar)


  1. 将花和水一起放入小锅中,用大火煮沸 (Add the flowers and water together in a small saucepan, then bring to a boil over a high heat)
  2. 混合物煮沸后,立即将火调低,让混合物慢慢煮沸,直到液体减少  (As soon as the mixture has boiled, turn the heat down to low, allowing the mixture to gently simmer until the liquid gets reduced)
  3. 将金银花从混合物中滤出,然后将剩余的水和糖混合,搅拌直至完全溶解  (Strain the honeysuckle flowers from the mixture, then combine the remaining water with the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved) 
  4. 将金银花糖浆倒入玻璃罐中,放入冰箱保存,最多可保存 6 个月 (Pour your honeysuckle syrup into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months)
  5. 使用时,淋在煎饼上或加入自制柠檬水中调味  (When ready to use, drizzle some on your pancakes or add a drop in your homemade lemonade to taste)
  6. 上菜並享受吧!(Serve and enjoy! )



Now that you've got some great ways to incorporate this versatile herb into your daily routine, show off your honeysuckle knowledge with your friends and family!
