
Dried Chinese Yam (山药), also known as Shao Yao, Cinnamon Vine or Dioscorea Opposita, is a simple but versatile herb used predominantly in Eastern cuisine. 


From simple but tasty salads, to candied sweet snacks, this herb is particularly easy to create delicious dishes with minimal ingredients or effort.  

因此,开始准备用5 种快速简便的方法让您的朋友和家人惊叹不已,使用这种中草药……

So, get ready to yam-maze your friends and family with 5 quick and easy ways to use this herb... 


山药是什么?What is Dried Chinese Yam?


Having been used as a tonic in traditional Chinese medicine, this yam is a carbohydrate and nutrient dense herb.


It is an ornamental vine native to East Asia, and can be found across China, Japan, Korea, Kuril Islands, Philippines and Vietnam. It also now grows across some regions in North America. 

山药高可达3至5米,根深蒂固,一般生长在9月至10月之间。 其质地 表面略粗糙 ,味道甜而苦。 

Growing up to 3 and 5 metres in size, the Chinese Yam is a deep persistent root which typically grows between September and October. In terms of texture, it possesses a slightly rough surface, with a sweet and bitter taste

山药有什么健康益处?What are the health benefits of Dried Chinese Yam?


Being a well-known herb across Chinese medicine, this ingredient has been used traditionally to help:

  • 控制血糖水平  Control blood sugar levels
  • 协助女性生殖健康 Assist women's reproductive health
  • 促进皮肤健康  Boost skin health
  • 补肾健脾 Benefit the kidney and spleen
  • 健胃、润肺、补血  Improve stomach, lungs and blood
  • 帮助缓解疲劳、消化、哮喘和类风湿性关节炎 Assist with fatigue, digestion, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis
  • 帮助控制体内雌激素水平  Help control estrogen levels in the body 
  • 消除感冒症状 Dispel common cold symptoms
  • 帮助减肥 Promote weight loss
  • 改善性健康和保健  Improve sexual health and wellness 

现在您已经充分了解了山药的作用,下面有 5 种快速简便的方法可以将其纳入您的日常生活中……

So now that you're well equipped with the potential of Dried Chinese Yam, here's 5 quick and easy ways to include this in your everyday routine...

1)最原始的吃法 Raw Form


Simple and clean - Dried Chinese Yam makes for a light healthy snack as an alternative to your usual mid-morning chocolate bar (don't even think about eating it now, we're watching)


Just a handful of this herb is a perfect portion for you to enjoy!

2)蜜饯山药 Candied Yams


Putting an Eastern twist on a Caribbean classic, these are a delightful sweet tooth sensation!   


Here's how to make your own candied yams... 

材料 What You'll Need

  • 1 大碗切碎的山药(切成圆形) 1 large bowl of chopped yams (into circles)
  • 1杯红糖 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1杯白糖 1 cup of white sugar
  • 2 块黄油 2 knobs of butter
  • 少许肉桂粉 Pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 少许酱油  Dash of soy sauce 
  • 盐少许 Pinch of salt

做法 Method

  1. 将第一块黄油和白糖一起放入锅中,用小火煎炒,直至混合均匀 Fry the first knob of butter in a pan with the white sugar over a low heat until mixed
  2. 加入红糖,搅拌均匀(继续搅拌)Add the brown sugar and stir in into all ingredients have combined (continue to stir throughout)
  3. 将切碎的山药放入深烤盘中,并在上面铺上黄油和糖的混合物 Place the chopped yams in a deep oven tray, and cover with the butter and sugar mixture
  4. 撒上少许肉桂粉、酱油和盐,让山药闪闪发亮  Sprinkle a little ground cinnamon, soy sauce and salt on top to glisten the yams
  5. 将第二块黄油切成小薄片,点在山药周围  Chop up the second knob of butter into small thin cubes and dot around the yams 
  6. 放入烤箱,以 4 档温度(160 摄氏度)烘烤 30-45 分钟 Bake in the oven at Gas Mark 4 (160 degrees c) for 30-45 minutes
  7. 此后取出并静置 5 分钟 Remove after this time and allow to stand for 5 minutes
  8. 上菜並享受吧! Serve and enjoy!
  9. 倒入玻璃杯中,然后上桌享用吧! Transfer to a glass, then serve and enjoy!

3)山药秋葵沙拉 Chinese Yam & Okra Salad


Perfect for a summer's day, salad season is well underway and this is a strong option for those who love a natural taste packed full of flavour... 

材料 What You'll Need

  • 1 大碗长片山药  1 large bowl of long sliced yams
  • 1 杯秋葵丝  1 cup of shredded okra
  • 3 根葱 3 spring onions
  • 少许酱油 Dash of soy sauce
  • 盐少许 Pinch of salt

做法 Method

  1. 洗净山药,然后放入另一个碗中  Wash the Chinese yams and then place in a separate bowl
  2. 在上面加一杯切碎的秋葵 Add the cup of shredded okra on top
  3. 将葱切成小块,放在沙拉上面装饰  Slice the spring onions into small pieces and garnish the salad on top
  4. 加入少许酱油,让沙拉更美味  Add a dash of soy sauce to give your salad some extra flavour
  5. 加少许盐调味即可 Season with a pinch of salt to complete
  6. 上菜並享受吧! Serve and enjoy!

4)山药汤  Chinese Yam Herb Soup


材料 What You'll Need

  • 2 只猪腿(蒸熟) 2 pork legs (steam cooked)
  • 大枣 3-4颗 3-4 big jujube dates
  • 2 山药 2 Chinese Yams
  • 一把枸杞 Handful of goji berries
  • 2 颗切碎的香菇 2 chopped shiitake mushrooms 
  • 盐少许 Pinch of salt 
  • 一壶开水 Pot of boiling water 

做法 Method

  1. 将蒸好的猪腿放入开水锅中,然后加入其余材料,小火煮 1 小时  Add the steamed pork legs to the pan of boiled water, then add the rest of the ingredient and allow to simmer on a low heat for 1 hour 
  2. 在煮沸结束前加入少许盐,再轻轻搅拌 5 分钟 Add a pinch of salt just before the end of simmering, and stir gently for a further 5 minutes
  3. 关火,静置 5 分钟  Remove from heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes 
  4. 上菜並享受吧!  Serve and enjoy! 



Calling all gym bunnies, this is one you surely won't want to miss.


Here's how to create a yummy powdered form to maximise your gains... 

材料 What You'll Need

  • 2 颗大山药 2 large Chinese Yams
  • 1 台破壁机/搅拌机 1 wall-breaker machine / blender

做法 Method

  1. 将山药放入锅中煮熟,使其变软 Boil the yams in a pot to allow them to soften
  2. 变软后,冷却约 1 分钟 Once soft, allow to cool for around 1 minute
  3. 将山药倒入搅拌机 Pour the yams into a wall-breaker/blender
  4. 选择“顺滑冰块”或“混合均匀”功能  Select the 'smooth ice' or 'blend well' function
  5. 搅拌均匀,直至呈粉末状 Blend well until powdered
  6. 取出并与任意冰沙、蛋白质饮料、水等一起食用!  Remove and serve with any smoothie, protein drink, water etc! 
