黄芪是中药中非常重要的草药。几个世纪以来,这种植物因其潜在的多方面治疗特性而受到赞誉,可增强免疫系统并可能促进健康长寿。 让我们进一步了解这种非凡的草药,探索它的起源、用途和可能带来的益处。

Astragalus root is a very significant herb in TCM (Chinese Herbal Medicine). For centuries, this botanical marvel has been celebrated for its potential multifaceted therapeutic properties, potentially boosting the immune system and possibly promoting longevity. Let's explore more about this remarkable herb, exploring its origins, uses, and the benefits it may offer.

了解黄芪(Understanding Astragalus Root)


Astragalus root, also known as Huang Qi, which translates to "Yellow Leader", belongs to the legume family and is native to the regions of Northern and Eastern China, as well as Mongolia and Korea. Astragalus root is distinguished by its yellowish hue and fibrous texture.


TCM practitioners have long used Astragalus root for its potential ability to tonify the Qi, the vital energy that flows through the body. According to traditional medicine, maintaining balance and harmony within the body's energy systems is essential for overall health and well-being. Astragalus root is believed to strengthen the body's defensive Qi, enhancing its resilience against external pathogens and stresses.

黄芪的潜在益处(Potential benefits of Astragalus root)


The therapeutic potential of Astragalus root extends beyond its traditional uses, gathering interest from modern scientific research. The versatility of Astragalus root extends across a wide spectrum of potential health concerns.

黄芪的一些潜在益处包括(Some of the potential benefits of Astragalus root include):

1.增强免疫功能(Enhanced Immune Function)

黄芪因其潜在的免疫增强特性而闻名。它含有多糖和皂苷,可能有助于刺激白细胞的产生,从而增强人体抵抗感染疾病的能力, 从而可能改善整体免疫功能

Astragalus root is renowned for its potential immune-boosting properties. It contains polysaccharides and saponins that may help stimulate the production of white blood cells, which could enhance the body's ability to fend off infections and illnesses, potentially improving overall immune function.

2.抗炎作用(Anti-Inflammatory Effects)


Astragalus root contains compounds with potential anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

3.抗氧化保护(Antioxidant Protection)


The antioxidant compounds found in Astragalus root may help neutralise free radicals, which could reduce oxidative damage to cells and tissues and potentially protect against chronic diseases and premature aging.

4.糖尿病管理(Diabetes Management)


Research suggests that Astragalus root may help regulate blood sugar levels and could improve insulin sensitivity, making it a potential complimentary therapy for managing diabetes.

5.能量和活力(Energy and Vitality)


As a potential adaptogen, Astragalus root may help the body adapt to stress and fatigue, potentially promoting sustained energy levels and vitality. It is often used to potentially combat fatigue and could enhance physical endurance.

6.长寿和抗衰老(Longevity and Anti-Aging)

中医哲学中,黄芪根被认为是长寿补药,具有增强整体活力恢复力的潜力。其潜在的 抗氧化特性可能有助于对抗氧化应激,从而可能减缓衰老过程并促进长寿。 

In TCM philosophy, Astragalus root is considered a tonic for longevity, potentially promoting overall vitality and resilience. Its potential antioxidant properties may help combat oxidative stress, thereby possibly slowing down the aging process and promoting longevity. 

7.心血管健康(Cardiovascular Health)


Astragalus root has been studied for its potential cardiovascular benefits. It may help lower blood pressure, possibly improve blood flow, and could reduce inflammation, thus potentially supporting heart health.

黄芪的用途(Uses of Astragalus Root):

1.茶汤(Tea Decoction)


TCM often uses Astragalus root in the form of a decoction, where the Dried Astragalus Root Slices are simmered in water to extract their medicinal properties. This decoction can be consumed as an Astragalus root tea, which has a mildly sweet and earthy flavour, making it enjoyable to drink on its own or combined with other herbs for added potential benefits.


黄芪根可以磨成细粉或颗粒 ,加入冰沙、汤或其他食谱中。这样可以轻松融入日常膳食中。

Astragalus root can be ground into a fine powder or granules and added to smoothies, soups, or other recipes. This allows for easy incorporation into daily meals.


为了方便起见,黄芪根还提供 胶囊或片剂形式,以便于纳入您的日常补充计划中。

For convenience, Astragalus root is also available in capsule or tablet form, making it easy to incorporate into your daily supplement routine.



Astragalus root can be prepared as a tincture by soaking the Dried Astragalus root in alcohol or another solvent. This concentrated liquid extract can be added to water or juice for consumption.



In traditional Chinese cuisine, Astragalus root is often used in soups, especially in combination with other herbs and ingredients to create a nourishing and potential immune-boosting broths. First, soak Dried Astragalus in water before using.

6.局部应用(Topical Applications)


Astragalus root extract can be added to skincare products or used topically as a poultice for potential wound healing, skin irritation, or other dermatological issues.

7.药酒(Medicinal Wine)


In some cultures, Astragalus root is steeped in rice wine or other alcoholic beverages to create a potential medicinal tonic believed to promote health and longevity.


When using Astragalus root, it's essential to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.



Astragalus root stands as a shining example of nature's healing potential. From ancient times to the modern era, its virtues have endured, offering a beacon of hope for those seeking natural remedies for a myriad of health concerns. Whether used to fortify the immune system, boost vitality, or promote longevity, Astragalus root continues to captivate the hearts and minds of herbal enthusiasts worldwide. 
